Monday, November 15, 2010

This Crazy Little Place We Call Earth

This is my very first blog!  And I'm excited to be taking this step in my social media focused exploration of Global HR.  I have not seen many internationally focused HR blogs out there, so I thought I would start my own, and see what kind of dialogue surfaces.  So hold on to your laptops, we're about to blast off!

While I do not have an aggregate list of topics on all of the wacky things an HR Pro deals with in covering planetary human capital management, I intend to focus on both the strategic and transactional aspects of the day-to-day grind, as well as chat on the global business dynamics that shape HR's future as a business partner and mastermind-coconspirator with business executives. 

This posting is an introduction to my blog's purpose, I intend to post one to two times per week, as the situation calls for blogging action.  So please read on, comment, contact me with questions, and share your ideas!

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